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Joey's Journal August 4, 2006

Heavenly Father, I thank you for Your protection and provision. Lord, may Your angels look after Joel while in the bus, in school the whole day and bring him safely home with a changed attitude so that he will not be hard-headed and obey instructions given to him. May You be in control of the TB test reading I will be getting this afternoon. May You watch over my wife, Annabel and give her wisdom as she meets up with the bank people. May You always show her You control her life and may she affirm this and obey Your will and follow Your ways. As I live my life today, may it be focused on You, Jesus. May You take away all the distractions and anxieties of the day. I pray all these in Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.

My reading - Psalm 3 Call on the Lord for help

Lord our Father, as I face the trials and tests in my life, I call on the Lord for protection and deliverance just like David did when he was hunted by Saul. Lord, you are my protector and deliverer, who comes from the most high. Even in my sleep, you watch over me and I will not fear these tests and trials around me because You will rescue me. Victory comes from You!

My reflections – In these present times when there are a lot of trials and tests mainly due to the works of the evil one, the Lord is always there to rescue us. Our evil thoughts and desires, our self-centeredness and uncaring for others, and a lot more are slowly choking us to the clutches of Satan. But, if I follow God’s decrees and live my life more and more like Jesus did, I will be protected and freed of Satan’s grasps. The Lord sees all that is happening and will happen in our lives. All we need to do is to call on Him and He will be there for us. Guaranteed!

My prayer – Father God, let me call on You for protection and deliverance as I go through the trials and tests of my life. Sometimes these can be overbearing to me because I am weak and can easily fall to Satan’s traps. My desires are at times only for myself, never thinking about the people I offend. My wishes Lord are at times only for my self gain. Please Father, when I am like this, send Your Holy Spirit to breathe a new life in me. Make me realize that I can always call on Your help to deliver me from my sinful ways. O Lord, assure me that You will always be by my side. Amen.
by : Joey B 

Joey's Journal August 3, 2006

I was up to see Joel have his breakfast and bid him goodbye as he headed for school. He walked up to me, held my arm and placed it over his shoulder and neck area. As I told him ‘to be good in school and no hitting anyone’, I hugged him and said this prayer over him ….

Joel, my dear son, may the blood of Jesus cover you with His protection and safety all day. May His angels watch over you and guide your behavior in class and during playtime and not allow you to be naughty and unruly. May you follow the instructions of your teachers obediently without any grumbling or rude response when you do not get your way. May you have a good day today. All these I ask in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.

Lord, as I continue to read and interpret the book of Psalms, may Your Words speak to my heart so that I may understand what You want me to read and guide my thoughts as I record each chapter’s interpretation in my journal of today. May Your wisdom continue to be with me as I speak of any chapter or verse in the book of Psalms. I lay my heart and my mind at Your disposal. Amen.

My reading
- Psalm 2 The Anointed One

The psalmist writes about the earthly rulers and kings of nation’s anger and rage wasting their time with futile plans plotting together against the Lord and His anointed one. The Lord scoffs at them and rebukes them, terrifying them with his fierce fury and warning. The Lord has placed His chosen king on the throne of Jerusalem and the king proclaims the Lord’s decree. ‘You are my son, only ask and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession. You will break them with an iron rod and smash them like pots of clay.’

God’s warning – Be warned, you rulers of the earth, serve the Lord with reverent fear and rejoice with trembling; submit to God’s royal son or he will become angry and you will be destroyed for his anger can flare up in an instant.

God’s promise – But what joy for all who find protection in the Anointed One.

My reflections – I wonder after reading the above, is the psalmist talking about King David or about Jesus Christ. I believe this is about King David, anointed one by God to be king of Israel, and given the nations as his inheritance. Jesus Christ already has all these as God the Son. God sends His enthroned king to proclaim His laws to the people of Israel and gives him the power to rule other nations with God at his side. God sends out a warning to these rulers to fear and submit to King David, His royal son and if they don’t, He will vent His mighty anger and destruction at them. And for those who do submit and fear King David, they will be full of joy because they were protected by their submission to him.
In a way, I can’t doubt the analogy to Jesus Christ with this statement. We, in our current days, should submit and fear Christ Jesus for He is the Son of God, making sure through our submission, we will follow Him. And, by doing this we will be joyful as we live in the protection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

My prayer – Father in heaven, let me heed Your warning in my heart that I serve the Lord Jesus, Your Son, with reverent awe and trembling fear and submit to Him, as my Lord and Savior. For if I do this, there will be joy in my heart because of His protection and the assurance of taking the right path back to You, Father. May the Anointed One be always with me. I pray these in His Holy Name. Amen.

by : Joey B 

Joey's Journal August 2, 2006

Woke up when Carlyn brought Joshua in our room. Joshua said, ‘hi daddy’ ‘hi mama’. He was playing on our bed throwing the small pillows to my face. He also got a hug and a kiss from his mom. At 7:15am, Carlyn transferred me to wheelchair and parked beside the dining table. Joel left at 7:30 am for school. I prayed that God will give His protection for a safe ride to school and that His angels would watch over him at school in his behavior and attentiveness to his teachers and that he would be safe there.

Did my journal on the completion of the book of Colossians recorded in August 1 journal.

Today, I begin my bible reading and journalizing my reflections and after-thoughts on the book of Psalms.

My prayer in preparation for this reading – Dear Heavenly Father, as I prepare myself to reading and interpreting the book of Psalms, I ask that you impart your wisdom to my mind as I read thru the book and plant a seed in my heart in order for me to correctly interpret what the psalmist wants to say in his book. May I be enlightened by Your word and by my recording it, may your word touch the lives of the people who will read my journal. All these I pray in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.

Psalm 1 The Godly and the Wicked

The psalmist writes about how happy are the godly. They are the ones who do not follow the advice of the wicked or be with sinners. The godly delights in doing all the Lord wants, day and night they live His law. As compared to a tree planted along the river bank, the godly bear fruit each season without fail and leaves never wither, but prosper.

However, this is not true for the wicked, who are worthless chaff, scattered by the wind. They are condemned at judgment day. Sinners will have no place among the godly.

God’s promise – For the Lord watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction.

My reflections In this world we live in with all the temptation and material things that we want to possess like, money, fame, health, careers and relationships; how do we become godly? When someone ‘hits’ you on the right cheek with an offence, do you freely offer the other? How do we explain to ourselves about God’s fairness when we see evil doers stay in big houses and drive big cars? Is God ‘blessing’ the wicked too? It is tough O Lord.

But, the psalmist didn’t expound on the material possessions of people in those days. There were people then owning large herds of cattle, huge parcels of land and rulers and king, who lavishly held expensive banquets. Did they thank and praise God for what they had? Maybe some did, but many didn’t. Then there were many who clung on to their meager possessions, but honored and thanked God for what little they had. This is also true with our time. We, as human beings, have this envious attitude towards another person who has more than us. We want to outdo our neighbor with earthly possessions.

Thus, the psalmist is right in saying to live godly while on earth. If we live godly which means living and following God’s law, doing good and not evil to others, loving our neighbor and resisting the evil one’s temptation then, we will receive God’s reward as He promised. The godly will be watched over by God and will have the nourishment from the Lord like a tree planted by the riverbank drawing water for its growth and will bear fruit every season and its leaves will not wither. While the evil doers will find destruction in their paths. I believe the point here is ‘earthly possessions’. People who think this way only think of ‘life on earth which is temporary’ as mentioned in The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren. When we die, we all leave behind what we have, either riches or rags. No one brings their possessions to the after life.

My prayerO Lord, I pray for Your guidance to be a godly person. I know it will be tough but with Your strength and reassuring promise of being with You, I am contented and I will follow Your law day and night; will not listen to the enemy and succumb to his clutches; and when I stumble, I will be refreshed by Your nourishment and assurance that as a godly person, I am near You, beside You and with You all the days of my life. Amen.

Today, is my niece’s birthday, Tina. I wished her via cellphone a happy birthday and many more to come. May her day be blessed as she continues her walk with the Lord. Hope and pray she’s coping well with their new addition in the family, Cassidy. May God continue to bless them in their missionary work in the Philippines and bringing in the nonbelievers to Christ.

by Joey B

Joey's Journal August 1, 2006

I was awaken by Joshua’s cries. Must be 5:45 am as it was still dark outside. I prayed for God’s grace to calm Joshua down and go back to sleep. He became quiet and the next thing I heard from him was he was jabbering and chatting with Carlyn. By then, it was about 6:45 am and he was trying to wake up his brother, Joel. Joel didn’t want to get up as he was still sleepy and soon, started to cry and banter. Annabel got up and went to find out why he didn’t want to get up. After much talking to Joel, he finally goes unwillingly for his bath. Left for school bus without saying ‘goodbye’ and I prayed for God’s protection to be with him, in the school bus and in school. May he listen to the teachers and not hurt anyone and be naughty in school.

Annabel left at 9 am to register Joel at Ngee Ann Primary at Marine Parade. We thought we were going with her which is why we all got ready. Before she left I asked Carlyn to follow her to get my passport as I have an appointment for TB test injection at SATA in Bedok. She said, she needed my passport for Joel’s registration and will be back after and go for the test.

I read Colossians 2-3 as a continuation of my bible reading of yesterday. Here are my thoughts.

In chapter 2, Apostle Paul talks to the people of Colosse that by believing in the truth about God’s merciful plan of sending Jesus Christ to die and take away our sins, they are free of all rulers and authority. This new life in Jesus and His commandments are to be obeyed and we should follow Christ’s way.

Verses 6-7 say ‘and now, just as you have accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to live in obedience to him. Let your roots draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught.

Paul explains and reiterates the do’s and the don’ts in this new life in Christ throughout chapters 2 and 3.

‘Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all he has done.’ v7

‘Don’t let anyone lead you astray with empty philosophy and high sounding nonsense that come from the evil powers of the world, and not from Christ.’ v8

‘So don’t let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new-moon ceremonies or Sabbaths.’ v16

‘Don’t let anyone condemn you by insisting on self-denial. And don’t let anyone say you must give worship to angels, even though they say they have had visions about this.’ v19

‘…so why do you keep on following rules of the world, such as ‘don’t handle, don’t eat, don’t touch’. v24

Paul’s explanation to this. ‘Such rules are mere human teaching about things that are gone as soon as we use them. These rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, humility, and severe bodily discipline. But they have no effect when it comes to conquering a person’s evil thought and desires.’

Here are other ‘do’s and don’ts’ in chapter 3.

‘Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, (you) set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits at God’s right hand in the place of honor and power. Let heaven fill your thoughts. v1-2

‘So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you. Have nothing to do with sexual sins, impurities, lust, and shameful desires. Don’t be greedy for the good things of life, for that is idolatry. v5

Paul adds a warning to the above ‘God’s terrible anger will come upon those who do such things.’ v6
‘But now is the time to get rid of anger, rage, malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language.’ v8

‘Don’t lie to each other, for you have stripped off your evil nature and all its wicked deeds.’ v9

Paul’s affirmation in this new life of how Christ lives in all.

‘In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave or free. Christ is all matters, and he lives in us.’ v11

‘… you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. You must make allowance for each other’s faults and forgive the person who offends you.’ v12-13

‘And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. Always be thankful. v15

Finally, Paul speaks of our purpose and commission.

‘And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father.’ v17

Like his letter in the book of Ephesians, Paul speaks of God’s instructions for the Christian households of Colosse (and also to us.)

‘You wives must submit to your husbands, as is fitting to those who belong to the Lord. And you husbands must love your wives and never treat them harshly.’

‘You children must always obey your parents, for this is what pleases the Lord. Fathers, don’t aggrevate your children. If you do, they will become discouraged and quit trying.’

‘You slaves must obey your earthly masters in everything you do. Obey them willingly; work hard and cheerfully as though you were working for the Lord; and the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward. But if you do wrong, you will be paid back for the wrong you have done. For God has no favorites who can get away with evil.’

‘You slaves owners must be just and fair to your slaves. Remember that you also have a Master-in heaven.

‘Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.’ Col4:2

‘Live wisely among those who are not Christians, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and effective so that you will have the right answer for everyone.’ v5-6

My prayer from this reading of scripture – Our Father in heaven, as I have embraced you as Lord and Savior, may I be faithful to Your teachings of the truth. May Your grace continue to be with me as I endeavor to imitate the life of Jesus as He lived on earth. Help me Lord to set my sights on Your kingdom, following and obeying Your ways. May You give me a special anointing to share and speak about You and about Your heavenly kingdom that awaits us all. Father, through Jesus, I ask for your help that I may follow the rules of the new life, live and abide it in my heart All these I ask in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

by Joey B

Joey's Journal August 6, 2006

Father in heaven, I thank you for your protection and guiding hand for looking after us while we sleep. Lord, I praise and glorify your name as I begin my day in walking with you. May your awesome and majestic power be always on my lips as I share my spiritual growth to others, most especially to my loved ones. May you Father, soften their hearts as I speak of my experience with you; open their hearts so that they can also see you as I do; and follow your ways as I do. May today be a blessed day for us as we celebrate church service with fellow believers at FCBC; and may the sermon of senior pastor be inspiring to them to live their lives for Jesus. All of these I pray in the Holy Name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

‘Jesus is Lord’, a second part of six series of messages by Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong of FCBC taken from the book of Colossians.

Apostle Paul says in Col 2:24-25, ‘I am glad when I suffer for you in my body, for I am completing what remains of Christ’s sufferings for his body, the church. God has given me the responsibility of serving his church by proclaiming his message in all its fullness to you Gentiles.’

Paul, in speaking to the people of Colosse, further illustrates his passion ‘to minister’ to them about the life of Jesus Christ. For him, it probably felt like ‘a suffering’ because he took on the task of building Christ’s churches after Jesus ascended to be with his Father. I’m sure there were times when Paul’s physical strength was drained and needed God’s help to keep his body going to continue to minister to the new churches and resulting to changing the lives of people in these places. Paul states, he is glad to suffer for the church and thereby, completing Christ’s suffering for His church. He was not talking whether Christ still had to suffer for the church, but takes it to himself that he will continue that suffering in his ministry. Because Christ’s suffering and eventual death has already accomplished our sins to be wiped away. Our redemption has been completed as He said, ‘it is finished!’ while He was dying on the cross. Paul is talking about ministering and changing the lives of the new believers which is what Christ entrusted to His followers.

It is a clear message to us followers and believers of Christ that there is more suffering ahead when we take up the responsibility of affirming that Jesus is Lord of our lives.

Verse 28 says, ‘So everywhere we go, we tell everyone about Christ. We warn them and teach them with all the wisdom God has given us, for we want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ.’

Paul speaks of the biggest responsibility he has taken up in his ministry. Aside from spreading the Good News that Jesus proclaimed when He was on earth, Paul’s greatest commission was ‘to bring everyone perfect in their relationship to Christ’. This is what he is telling us Christians and if we proclaim Jesus is Lord in our lives, we should do the same. What a tall order, this is from Paul! How do we present others PERFECT in their relationship with Jesus? This is quite a task! Spreading the word to others and getting them to embrace it is already tiring, what more making them perfect to Christ? This will be a life long undertaking because we will be dealing with the lives of others. But, this is the Lord’s order! It is not enough to say, I believe that Jesus died for my sins and rose from the dead. But we also proclaim Him as our Lord and Savior!

And, when we truly mean this, we should in all our energy and with Christ’s help try to achieve it. This is true when we pick up the ministry of spreading God’s Good News to all. This ministry is a life long struggle and it is continuous, never ending task. And, it will cost us dearly; maybe our careers, finances, relationships and even our lives. That's probably why Paul calls it 'a suffering'.

Finally, Apostle Paul affirms his role in verse 29 saying, ‘I work very hard at this, as I depend on Christ’s mighty power that works within me.’

My prayer after reading these verses – Sovereign Lord, thank you for opening my heart to Your word! It has touched the very corners of my heart and mind that I now know what Jesus meant when He said, ‘pick up your cross andfollow me!’ It is with satisfaction that as I read these verses, my heart leaps for joy! Yes, Lord, I will continue what you have started and follow Your way to minister to people. I know that the road will be rough and challenging; will cost me dearly; and will be an endless struggle and suffering to change peoples lives so that I can present them to You, perfect in their relationship to Jesus. But, I know, that with You by my side every step of the way, I will not tire because the thought of You, refreshes me; I will not complain about physical pain, because You will heal me and restore my strength; and I will not turn my back on this ministry, because You are at its head and I long to be with You to finish the race. I ask all this in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.

Important things to remember about taking up this ministry of Jesus and proclaiming Him as Lord.

1. It will cost us dearly, i.e., careers, finances, assets, relationships, lives etc.
2. It will change the lives of other people, presenting them perfect to Christ.
3. It will be a never ending struggle or suffering of a continuous ministry.

So, with all these, I ask ‘Is Jesus still the Lord of your lives?’

by : Joey B


Joey's Journal 31 July 2006

Was woken up by Joshua’s cries at 6:30am. Annabel got up to find out what made him cry. Joshua continued to cry and wanted his mom to hold him. I prayed for God to quiet down Joshua and be contented with his mom carrying him. He eventually stopped and was having his pancake with syrup breakfast. Carlyn put me on the wheelchair and parked beside the table. Joel was ready for school and having his doughnut breakfast while watching tv. His mom reminded him to take food and he threw a tantrum and rudely answered his mom. Annabel warned him that if he responded or gave her the rude look again, she will slap him. She went to the room and laid on the mattress. Joel left for school without saying goodbye to his mom. Prayed for him that the blood of Jesus will protect him in the bus and in school for the day.

Joshua was given a bath and also threw a fit, long cries. His mom got up and carried him but he continued to cry and didn’t want to put on his clothes. His mom was getting upset and smacked his backside lightly. Joshua continued to cry each time she raised her voice. I prayed that the Holy Spirit would help Annabel to control her patience with Joshua’s crying and that Joshua would calm down. Eventually Joshua peed on his mom’s house dress and Carlyn carried him while his mom changed. Soon Joshua stopped crying and he played in his room.

I continued to finish my journal for yesterday and Annabel laid on the mattress while Joshua was playing in his room.

Read and finished the book of Colossians. Some after-thoughts are as follows:

  1. Apostle Paul as in all his letters to different churches, starts with a prayer greeting to the people of Colosse. He gives thanks and praise that the members of the Colosse church have trusted on the Lord and have loved one another. Why? The answere are on chapter 1, as follows:
    qVerses 5-6 says ‘you do this because you are looking forward to the joys of heaven-as you have been ever since you first heard the truth of the Good News. The same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is changing lives everywhere, just as it has changed yours that very first day you heard and understood the truth about God’s great kindness to sinners.’

    Paul speaks of what the Colossians did after hearing about Jesus and His teachings for the first time. They changed their lives and embraced the faith in God and gave full trust in Him. He emphasizes that the same teachings of the Good News is being spread all over the world and would change the lives of different people just like it did them knowing of God’s mercy to all who have sinned. The Good News of the Father, full of love, mercy and forgiveness that is given to us to believe.

    My prayer after reading this verse: ‘Lord, continue to strengthen me during times when I am weak and unable to share Your Good News to others. Give me a fresh anointing of Your Holy Spirit to have the right words to say to both believers and unbelievers as I share my experience of you with them. Open their hearts to the Good News you want them to hear and keep it with them so they can live their lives for You, Father. And, lastly, give them the tongues of fire from the Holy Spirit to share what they have heard and have embraced with others. May we continue to live Your Good News in our daily lives for Your greater glory. Amen.’

  2. Paul in v15-17 talks about Jesus Christ is God.

    ‘Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before God made anything at all and is supreme over all creation. Christ is the one through whom God created everything in heaven and earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see-kings, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities. Everything has been created through him and for him. He existed before everything else began, and he holds all creation together.’

    This is a clear statement saying ‘Jesus Christ is also God’. I thought of some other faith with many followers who believe in a God but contend that Jesus was a mere human being, who lived like a prophet in those days and was not God. I believe that God the Father, who is invisible, sent His only Son to be His visible self or image on earth. This means to be visible, Jesus had to be human. But Jesus as God existed before the Father made anything, before creation itself. I spoke about this bible scripture and sermon last Sunday by Pastor Khong to my caregiver, Carlyn who is an Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) member. INC upholds the belief that Jesus Christ is not God. I asked her to read the verse and listen to the sermon again via FCBC website and open her heart and mind to the truth. I know it would be hard but I will pray for her to believe in this- Jesus is God who was sent by the Father to be human and visible image on earth in order for him to die for our sins and save the world from the grasps of the evil one.

    My prayer on this verse of scripture – Heavenly Father, allow my mind and my heart to focus on you as I pray this prayer of belief that Jesus is God. I commit my sister and caregiver, Carlyn, to know more about Jesus and your plan for Him to be both God and human so as the people would see a visible God and through Him, their lives will be changed so that they will attain their salvation. Lord, speak to her heart daily and let her know Your goodness and mercy for those who did not believe this truth. May she willingly accept the belief that Jesus is God through the things she can see happening around her. I pray for her salvation to start today, Lord and may she cherish learning more about Jesus being part of her life. Amen.’

  3. Paul also speaks of the Heavenly Father’s plan for Jesus, His only begotten Son in v19-23 and through Jesus, His forgiveness to us all which has brought us back in good standing with God, without any sin. Finally, Paul warns of not drifting away from this truth but rightfully affirming and standing by it.

    ‘For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and by him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of his (Jesus) blood on the cross. This includes you who were once so far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions, yet now he has brought you back as his friends. He has done this through his (Jesus) death on the cross in his own human body. As a result, he has brought you into the presence of God, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault. But you must continue to believe in this truth and stand in it firmly. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News.

    Sovereign Lord, I thank you for this divine plan of rescueing me from the clutches of the enemy. Oftentimes, I am weak and succumb to the power of the evil one and this I know, offends You. Lord, please do not give up on me when I have distanced myself to you. Bring me back to Your fold of righteousness through the blood of Jesus Christ, my brother and strengthen me not to waver anymore so that I may be worthy to be in Your presence. I give thanks and praise to Jesus for obeying You wholehearted and trusting in Your plans. May I live my life more and more like Him. Amen.
To be continued ………Aug 1st.

by : Joey B

Joey's Journal Sunday, 30 July 2006

Woke up early at 6:30 am to get ready for 9 am church service. Second son, Joshua was already awake, as usual and having his pancake with syrup breakfast. Noticed fishbowl water was cloudy and asked Carlyn to change water and wait for Joel to wake up and feed his new pet goldfish. Didn’t feel like having anything for breakfast, just water. Was still feeling bloated from not going to the toilet for some time.

At 7:40, Joel and Annabel wake up same time. Very synchronized. While Annabel was getting ready, Joel feeds his fish and we talk about what name to call it. Nemo? El-josh? Fishy? Joel liked ‘fishy’ so from now on it will be called Fishy! I said good; at least Joshua can call its name. By 8:20 am, Joel and Annabel were having their breakfast, pancakes with syrup for him and a Fuji apple for her. Carlyn was pushing Joshua on his pram; he really looked sleepy after taking his morning bath. Maria was attending to Joel and Annabel.

We were off to church at 8:35 am taking ECP to Singapore Expo. Was very concerned about the way Annabel drives and at times, very scary. I pray that she is able to get the confidence of driving back and with God’s help and guidance, she will be able to. At the entrance, brother Tommy from the Special People Ministry, met us and asked three gentlemen to assist Carlyn to transfer me from car to wheelchair. Thanked Tommy and the guys for giving me ‘red carpet’ service. Carlyn wheeled me to the place where all the other wheelchair-bound people were. Said hello and nodded to all who were there already. Said hello to Mrs. Koh and her caretaker, Jennifer while coming in to join the worship time.

Worship, what can I say. This time I spend glorifying and thanking the Lord for all His blessings on me, on us as a family and for loved ones. As each song is sang, my eyes start to water and soon I am engulfed in this breathlessness feeling, like I will start weeping. But these are not unhappy tears, but joyful ones. Someone said, I remember reading this, that these heartfelt tears sting the eyes unlike unhappy ones. And, I agree; they do sting! Once the worship team turns from fast and jovial songs to slow and somber ones, I look at the congregation and notice there are others who are moved to teary eyes. I sincerely hope for their heartfelt connection to our Lord as I have connected. Praises and glory be to God!

Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong delivered the word of God, 6 part series called ‘Jesus is the Lord!’. He read from Colossians 1: 1-14 about Paul’s affirmation why Jesus is the Lord. Pastor Khong supported this by 3 definitive reasons why Jesus is Lord. (1) Jesus is God; (2) Jesus is God in the flesh; and (3) Jesus is God and He died for us. These are very basic truths in which our faith as Christians is etched in the cornerstone of our hearts. Every Christian believes in these three basic truths. Listening to Pastor Khong gave me a sense that he was driving these points across very emphatically so that we, as believers in the Word of God, would not be shallow in our faith. He compared some believers to a Sequoia tree, towering almost 300 feet from the ground and considered to be the tallest of trees. Yet, in its majestic splendor, its roots are not deep and would topple over when strong gusts of wind came along. Some believers are shallow; outside like the Sequoia, they look holy and regal; but their faith can be tested and soon, they are no longer the believers they say they are. They give lip service about the faith and sometimes the word and could not support what they say. Real believers live with the three basic truths. They uphold this faith in their hearts. They spread and share these three truths with others. Overall, another good and moving message from our spiritual father.

After church service, we headed for Parkway Parade for lunch. Had 2 green bean filled pastry and coffee; still feeling full. Met former cell members, Mike and Grace with their son, Jared. Also, saw Sally and Liang Kheng plus 4 boys. Annabel asked Sally to join us for coffee at MPH Bookstore while we were on our way out of food court area. On the way to MPH, a lady approached Annabel, introduced herself and asked what happened to me that I am on a wheelchair. She brought the lady over to talk to me. The lady introduced herself as Susan from Lighthouse church led by Pastor Ronnie. Susan asked if I have attended their healing service at Tampines and if not, I should plan to go because she has witnessed cripples walking and miracles happening. I told her I believe in healing services and went to one done by well-known pastor from South Africa, Korbus van Rensburg, who had the gift of healing. I told her too that I believed in miracles and seen people healed through healing services but I respectfully declined. She was puzzled with my response. I explained that the Lord is using me to be of service to Him on this wheelchair. I added that God revealed His plan for me to minister to the wheelchair-bound people, since I can empathize with them. He also said He will not forsake me after calling on to Him to claim His promise that I will be restored. I told sister Susan that I will follow God’s word to be ‘healed spiritually’ now and wait patiently for Him to physically heal me and said ‘if God wants me to be on this wheelchair to spread His Good News, so be it!’ I informed sister Susan that I am a member of the Special People Ministry of FCBC and explained that the ministry is involved taking care of the physical needs of the wheelchair bound people like cooking for them, cleaning their homes, giving them baths and taking them out of their homes from time to time. Along with other volunteers, I have to get involve in cultivating their spirituality. This is what God has revealed to me in serving and uplifting the spiritual side of these people whom He has not forgotten. I added that God’s purpose for me has been revealed and this is why He gave me a second chance in life; to serve Him with all my heart. I briefly mentioned about the voice encounter with the Lord and gave Him praise and thanks for being fortunate enough to hear His voice and following His purpose that He revealed during my stay at the hospital. Sister Susan understood what I told her that this message was from God and I must follow it. She spoke of her visions and asked me for my interpretation. I told her that her visions are related to salvation; hers first, second are her loved ones and third, are the lost. God is speaking to her on these visions of seeing the Singapore river filled with honey rather than water; people lined up on its banks being interrogated by the evil one; and one by one asking them if they were Catholic, Christian or otherwise. Should they renounce their faith in God then they are sent to the depths and sweetness of honey and if not, they were sent back to earth. Of course, the devil entices them with honey, making hell sound nice. She mentioned that when it was her turn, she saw the sky filled with crucifixes and a balloon floating in the heavens. The crosses asked her to cling on to the balloon and she did. But, she thought of her loved ones and pleaded to take them, particularly her mother, who was a staunch buddhist being left behind while other believers in the family went with her. I explained this is what is going to happen at the second coming of Jesus. Believers will be raised up in this rapture and along with the believers who have passed away before us will meet the Lord and be judged. Not all will be allowed to enter God’s kingdom.

Sister Susan understood that God’s message to me was clear and said ‘maybe after my service to the wheelchair bound people, He will let me walk’. I said I sincerely hope for this to happen. She prayed over me and I prayed for her before she left to attend church service at Tampines. I told her to spread what I have testified to her with her church members and continue sharing God to others.

Home around 4:30pm and spent my quiet time thanking God for this meeting with sister Susan. I prayed for strength and God’s hand to be on me. Prayed the Jabez prayer as we go through finding what business to concentrate on and for God’s hand of protection to be on us; shielding us from anxieties and the evil one’s temptation; that God’s grace will give us strength to release forgiveness to those who have offended us and keep us safe under His refuge.

Did some computer work and took on sister Susan’s advise to journalize my daily affairs and experience with God in my heart’s focus. This is first day.

Washed up and prepared for bed at 10:30pm

by : Joey B

