GO Solid

First PDL home meeting @ Abraham's Place

Yesterday, April 20,2006 we did our first PDL home meeting at Abraham's place. There are 5 people in the list not coming, but... we still have 7 people yesterday because... there are people who are not on the list coming. Yay! They were Rio and Paulina with their little girl Caitlin. We have also Indah who has been coming to ICA for 4 months, Hartanto (unfortunatelly his wife Cindy was not coming because she was taking care of her sick kid), me(Teddy) and Effi, and Abraham as the host. There will be 1 more couple coming next week, Sujana and Sisi. They don't come to ICA but they are our friends.
It's quite interesting, we began with introducing each other (like our old habit in GoSolid, say name, work and hobbies lol).
The video was good, and the discussion was alive, everybody took part of it. We decided to take turn to lead every week, and also look for a new alternative place to meet to make it more interesting. We made agreement about the group and made commitment to do it consistantly. It was a good environment we had last night.
Finally we had our nice refreshments. Abraham did prepare many good things for us. We had noodle, fruit cocktail, and my favourite kacang ijo (green bean) :P

Hi quality image


Anonymous said...


please check this site for the our PDL West. And if possible you can copy and paste the article and post it in your blog. We will be updating the meetings for the next weeks. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info
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Anonymous said...

Very nice site!
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