GO Solid

Short meeting with Keith Sorbo

Pastor Keith Sorbo, our old friend was coming to Indonesia. Yes! We had his sermon this week and we really enjoy it that morning.
2.30pm, ICA lobby logue. We, some of ICA-ers have a meeting with Keith Sorbo. It's an informal meeting, talking about how we are doin' now and latest news of ICA.
There is an intersting 'lesson' we got from Pastor Keith in this short meeting. He mention about the book "Sacred Love" which speaks about understanding God. Some people understand God like 'household God' or 'idols' which means God will react based on how we act. It means if you do good, tithing, involve in ministry, then God will bless us, or evrything will be okay. Many people still thinking even to sacrifice something or harm himself to please God, hoping to get something in return.
Well, let's look at the life of Job. He didn't sin against God but still God let everything to be taken away from him. His wealth, his children, his body (health), his wife and finally his friends too! When finally Job questioned God 'Why', God didn't give him answer. It seems like God said 'It's not your business!' Eventhough finally Job's condition was restored, Job never knew about God's conversation with Satan at the beginning. It's really up to God to do what He wants. He can not be manipulated, He can not be controlled.
In this talks we also remembered our friend Joey with everything he had experienced. How do you explain that? Is that means there is some thing wrong that Joey did in the past? (Message for Joey : How are you now? Please send us your news, we want to hear from you too.)
We also talk about How can we understand God's existence. Wowow..! It will be a long discussion.
But yes. We did talk about understanding God. Here are few words from Keith : Like 3 dimensional thing like sphere become 2 dimension (circle), that is a story he told us. Sorry i'm not gonna tell you the whole story if you missed it.
I also added another analogy about understanding God's esistence. It's like a carpenter creates a table. The table is a creation with limited function and abilities. Can you imagine how the table tries to understand its creator? It's beyond its capacity to understand. Like us try to understand God.
Have a GoGroup discussion this week !


Anonymous said...

Thanks for remembering me while discussing about Job. I honestly feel I can not compare to Job's life before God allowed the devil to 'shake' him. I don't mind saying this, eventhough I was raised a Catholic, I didn't live the faith. I controlled n wrecked havoc in my life and business dealings. Some of you knew that I was divorced before Annabel came to my life and before totally committing to God. Again, I recommitted when the Lord spoke to me one night at my hospital bed because He showed me His plan/purpose why I should be on a wheelchair for now. Service to Him! That is it; will serve Him to the maximum spreading the Good News to the wheelchair bound and sick people. I am a living testimony to God's goodness and mercy and at the same time, His purpose in my life. And, I tell you focusing on God and His Glory is tough as Satan tries to bait his traps and get me to lose my hope and trust in God by throwing all sorts of trials and challenges in my way like our marriage, finances, health etc. But, I will continue to seek the Lord as my refuge during all these times and be humbled by His power, hoping for His hand for guidance and His love to overcome all adversities. It is all about being humbled and obedient to God.
Recent update.... I'm walking more steadily now but still need strength in my right leg and hand muscles. No more assistance getting up from wheelchair, sitting longer hours without foot swelling, doing more computer work and writing my daily journal. Meet weekly with all-men cell group and also ministering to wheelchair bound church members uplifting them spiritually. Daily email with former fellow patient who is a new believer and edifying him in the Lord. Onwards for Jesus! God bless ICA. Joey

Anonymous said...

What a great site
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