GO Solid

Short meeting with Keith Sorbo

Pastor Keith Sorbo, our old friend was coming to Indonesia. Yes! We had his sermon this week and we really enjoy it that morning.
2.30pm, ICA lobby logue. We, some of ICA-ers have a meeting with Keith Sorbo. It's an informal meeting, talking about how we are doin' now and latest news of ICA.
There is an intersting 'lesson' we got from Pastor Keith in this short meeting. He mention about the book "Sacred Love" which speaks about understanding God. Some people understand God like 'household God' or 'idols' which means God will react based on how we act. It means if you do good, tithing, involve in ministry, then God will bless us, or evrything will be okay. Many people still thinking even to sacrifice something or harm himself to please God, hoping to get something in return.
Well, let's look at the life of Job. He didn't sin against God but still God let everything to be taken away from him. His wealth, his children, his body (health), his wife and finally his friends too! When finally Job questioned God 'Why', God didn't give him answer. It seems like God said 'It's not your business!' Eventhough finally Job's condition was restored, Job never knew about God's conversation with Satan at the beginning. It's really up to God to do what He wants. He can not be manipulated, He can not be controlled.
In this talks we also remembered our friend Joey with everything he had experienced. How do you explain that? Is that means there is some thing wrong that Joey did in the past? (Message for Joey : How are you now? Please send us your news, we want to hear from you too.)
We also talk about How can we understand God's existence. Wowow..! It will be a long discussion.
But yes. We did talk about understanding God. Here are few words from Keith : Like 3 dimensional thing like sphere become 2 dimension (circle), that is a story he told us. Sorry i'm not gonna tell you the whole story if you missed it.
I also added another analogy about understanding God's esistence. It's like a carpenter creates a table. The table is a creation with limited function and abilities. Can you imagine how the table tries to understand its creator? It's beyond its capacity to understand. Like us try to understand God.
Have a GoGroup discussion this week !

The multiplication of GoSolid, the birth of GoLiquid (Is it?)

On the last meeting (celebration) we decided to multiply GoSolid. The member who attend Sjany's group in Margorejo are will be still continue GoSolid, while the other member like me and Abraham who meet at Tenggilis/Kendangsari area will form new Go Group called GoLiquid (yea!).
We moved the meeting day from Wednesday into Thursday because Abraham the host was not
availabe. We thought more people will come that time because Sjany's group also cancel the
meeting on Wed, and inform the member to come to ours on Thu.
The place was wellplanned I say, and Abraham prepared more chairs (and more food I guess) for more people coming because the other member from Margorejo group will also come.

Maybe because the communication was not well organized, it comes to be only me and
Abraham in the meeting. :)

It's okay! We enjoyed sharing and having a nice bubur ayam in that meeting. We came up with new ideas to develop our GoGroup in the future. We looked back when we still have enthusiastic to come in every meeting, when every Wednesday is longed, and we can't wait untill it's next Wednesday again. That night our spirit was renewed and we decided to bring out new ideas to our GoGroup.

Celebration! The End of PDL Program

We had a barbeque together at Sjany's place. Many people came, and there also Bruce and Ruth Wills, our old friend attendance to visit our celebration. There was also our new comer who were trying to come to our PDL meeting, but they missed all the meeting, finally they came to this celebration. Praise God :) They are Sujana and Sisi and their son, Faith.
We had good food, good quiz game with prizes (yes, we love it), and share our opinion about series of PDL meeting we just ended.
Well, here is mine : Worship is not only about singing or musical thing. It include every aspect of our life, every activity. So we can always worship God everywhere and everytime. Amen!
