GO Solid

Joey's Journal - August 20, 2006

Our Father in heaven, thank You for loving me; thank You for the protection over my family; and thank You for giving us another day here on earth. Lord, today is Worship Service and I look for Your inspiring words to move me as it is said by Pastor Khong. May Your Word hit a raw nerve in my heart to follow it in my objective of saying Jesus is the Lord of my life. May I be reassured that when I pick up my cross and follow You, I will not falter or stumble due to hardship or weakening of the spirit. May You be always at my sights and nothing else matters except the thought of being with You always all the days of my life.

Father, thank You for today and the chance to hear Your Word in church. May my example be a blessing to my family. All in Jesus Name. Amen.

My reading - Psalm 18 The Lord rewards those who do right.

In contrast, the Lord’s wrath will fall on the wicked. His anger will make the earth quake and tremble; foundations of mountains will shake; smoke will come out of His nostrils and fierce flames from His mouth. He will come down from the heavens and mounted on a mighty angel, will soar in the wings of the wind covered by darkness and concealing His approach with dense rain clouds. He will breakthrough from the clouds and shoot His arrows and scatter the enemies confused. His breath will blast and the bottom of the sea will be seen and everything of the previous earth will vanish. The foundations of a new earth will be laid bare. (perhaps the psalmist is speaking about the second coming.)

(Here is King David’s affirmation of God rescuing him from all his enemies and from Saul.)

To the faithful, You will show yourself faithful; to those with integrity You show integrity; to the pure You show yourself pure; but to the wicked You show Yourself hostile. As for God, His way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection. For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock?

You gave me victory over my enemies and appointed me as the ruler of all nations; people I don’t even know now serve me. As soon as they hear of me, they submit; foreigners cringe before me. They all lose their courage and come trembling from their strongholds. The Lord lives! Blessed be my rock!

My reflection – I can’t help thinking about David’s jubilation after the Lord rescued him from his enemies and Saul who were trying to hunt and kill him. During his plight from his enemies, I can picture from the previous psalms of his fear of death while his enemies gloat at him. I can see a young David who did everything good and pleasing to God, yearned for His help. Also I saw God’s compassion to David and poured out His mercy to His Anointed One. God’s love and favor moved from Saul to David and He protected him and gave him the kingdom of Israel to rule.

Just like how are earthly fathers, when we were young, rewarded us when we did the right thing and punished us for doing wrong. It is with great love and compassion that we display this to our children. I still think that if we, as earthly fathers, showed this love and compassion to our children, what more from our Father, who wants us to be with Him permanently in heaven. In comparison, I showed love and compassion to correct and discipline my son, Joel a couple of days ago. God also did this to David; He brought David to the caves during his plight, living away from Saul’s palace and testing and strengthening his character to persevere during times of adversity and preparing him for ruling Israel. Joel did something wrong and he had to be disciplined and punished accordingly. Although our heart aches and bleeds when we do this to our children, it is quite necessary and this corrective action will build their character for their own good when they’re grown up. God’s heart aches and bleeds too when we hurt Him by doing wrong but He forgives and still sends us His love and offers us salvation so we can enjoy His presence forever.

My prayer - Father in heaven, thank you for giving me the grace of wisdom to understand Your word in the book of Psalms. Especially with David’s plight and hiding from his enemies and from Saul, he was really after Your heart during times of anguish and fear because he placed his trust in You. He knew You will be his deliverer. Lord, during my trying hours when the evil one attacks or plants evil thoughts in my mind, may You strengthen me and be my deliverer. May I seek You more and more and sing praises to You in good times and bad. Lord, allow me not to lose focus in You and be my shield daily from the arrows of the enemy. May Your name and glory be always in my mouth as I spread Your word. All these I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

By Joey B

Joey's Journal - August 19, 2006

Heavenly Father, I ask for Your continued protection, provision and guidance in my life and my family. Lord, may we always give You the controls of our lives and trust in Your ways. Thank You for Your protection over Annabel last night and for bringing her safely home. I also give You thanks and praise for giving the children good sleep and their nannies good rest. May I have full focus on Your ways and obey Your instructions. May You send Your Holy Spirit to remind us about Your love and forgiveness and may we give You in return our obedience this day and the rest of our lives. All in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

My reading - Psalm 17 The Lord shows his unfailing love in wonderful ways

Lord, You have tested my thoughts and examined my heart; You have scrutinized me and found nothing amiss for I am determined not to sin; followed Your commands; my steps have stayed on Your path and I have not wavered from following You. I know You will answer my prayer because You save those who seek refuge in You from the enemy. Guard me as the apple of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings; protect me from wicked people who attack me. And because, I have done what is right, I will see You and will be fully satisfied for I will see You face to face.

(Omitted purposely David’s call for God’s wrath to befall against his enemies, their children and their children’s children and so on.)

My reflection – My thoughts after reading David’s psalm are with full adoration and awe in the Lord’s unfailing love and compassion. We have read about David’s life after slaying the Philistine giant, Goliath and being favored by King Saul in his rule. Even though he was God’s Anointed One and gave the kingdom of Saul to him, became king of the Israelites, yet he still fell to the traps of the evil one. The most heinous crime he committed was taking someone else’s wife and sending the husband to inevitable death. (2 Samuel 9). Our God and all-knowing Father already saw that this will happen during King David’s rule but yet, He still rested His favor on him. God knew of all the inequities of King David yet He blessed and prospered him, stood beside him and David’s house continued to rule Israel under his son, Solomon.

In our Christian walk today, when we sin against God for disobeying His commands, do we ask for mercy and repent for our evil deeds. God’s unfailing love and compassion are shown to those who repent and do away with sin in their lives. They are forgiven and blessed as they stay godly obeying God’s will.

My prayer – Almighty Father, You know what is in my heart. You have examined and scrutinized it. I am a sinful man with many sins in the past; sins of disobedience, evil thoughts, desires and actions, greed and idolatry believing in the pursuit of material earthly things. I confess these to You and lay them on Your feet. I hope for Your unfailing love and compassion to have mercy on me; forgive me for my sins. May Your grace refresh me and give me strength to push on staying in the righteous path to You. Send Your Holy Spirit to remind me of my ultimate goal – to attain salvation and spend permanent days with You in heaven. All these in Jesus Name. Amen.

By Joey B

Joey's Journal - August 18, 2006

Father in Heaven, I give You thanks and praise for keeping us safe while we slept. Thank You for giving us another day on earth to do godly deeds and obey Your laws. Keep us today focused to You, Father God and our lives be worthy and pleasing to You. I commit my son, Joel in Your protection and safeguard. Send Your angels to watch over him and his behavior at school. May his temper be controlled and rude attitude be changed. Thank You Lord for keeping my wife protected last night and bringing her safely home. I offer my day’s works, joys and sufferings to You. May I continue to be blessed in reading the book of Psalms and may You guide my thoughts and heart with my reflections and prayers. All in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

My reading - Psalm 16 When the Lord is with me, I will not be shaken!

Lord, You are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You protect all that is mine; the land You have given me is a pleasant land. I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart tells me You are right beside me. No wonder I am filled with joy and I sing praises to You. For You will not leave my soul among the dead or allow me to rot in the grave. You will show me the way of life as I stand with joy in Your presence and the pleasures of living with You forever.

My reflection – This psalm of David reminds me of the prayer of Jabez. ‘O Lord, bless me indeed. Enlarge my territory. May Your Hand be on me to keep me from harm and be free of pain. And, because Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, God granted his request.’ (1 Chronicles 4:9-10) It was a simple prayer but yet important that Jabez professed to God and the Lord heard his prayer. Why was Jabez’s prayer placed along God’s lineage of the leaders of His Chosen people? There must have been a purpose; it is a simple yet important prayer from an honorable man. The main thing here is that God saw Jabez as more distinguished or more godly than his brothers. Even though, his mother gave him a name not to be admired because it meant ‘his birth had been so painful’, God granted his prayer. David talks about this pleasant land God has given him and asks for the Lord’s protection and guidance in his life, watching him closely and never leaving his side.

When we look to the Lord and ask for His blessings of provision, protection, and guidance, the Lord will respond to our call and we hope we are worthy enough for Him to grant our requests just like what He did for Jabez and David. The main word here is whether we are worthy; meaning are we continuously living a godly life, honorable and pleasing to God? And, when the Lord answers our request, His favor rests with us and, we will not be shaken!

My prayer – Father in heaven, may You continue to shower us with Your abundant blessings of protection, provision and guidance. May our walk with You be acceptable and pleasing, worthy to be at Your side and stand in Your presence. Father God, may You watch over us, examine us and scrutinize us in order for us to be godly here on earth. It is gong to be tough Lord, but I know You will be with us and keep us from the clutches of Satan. May You enlarge my territory and may Your hand be with me and keep me from harm. I pray these in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

by Joey B

Joey's Journal - August 17, 2006

Last night while Joel was playing his game boy, Joshua wanted to ‘sayang’ his brother but accidentally hit him instead on the head. Joel who probably felt the pain or could have been disturbed while playing, retaliated and tried to hit back. Carlyn was able to hold his one hand holding on the game boy but couldn’t stop the other hand. Joshua was hit on the right cheek and cried. Carlyn hit Joel on the rear end and I heard the cries and commotion. I called Joel out shouting at the top of my voice. Joel, in defense said, his brother hit him first. I scolded him for doing this and told him Joshua is still a baby and doesn’t know if he hurts someone or not. Also told Joel that Joshua is his younger brother and rather than hurt him, he should look after him and be his protector when they are grown. While I was driving this point to him, I could see his displeasure and his wanting to vent his anger at me. I told him he should not be like this and if does this hitting his brother again, he will get a real serious spanking from me, one that he will feel so much pain. I banged the desk with my left hand so hard so that he will know, I can still give him a painful spanking. I told everyone not to talk to him as punishment for his actions. He walked off with such an angry and displeased face. I reminded him again to stay away from Joshua and sit in the living room so I can see him.

After a while watching TV, he said he was hungry and wanted his food right away. His mom called earlier and told the nanny, Maria that she was bringing cheese pizza for his dinner. Joel waited but was very hungry so he asked Maria for some food first and will still eat the pizza later. Finally, his mom came and gave him the pizza. She stayed with him for 5 mins and said she had to go out again because she forgot to buy the newspaper. Joel didn’t create a fuss unlike before with his mom leaving the house in the evening because he was really hungry. About 45 mins later, he washed up after taking his dinner and went straight to bed without saying goodnight or asking about his mom who was still out.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for watching over us last night while we were resting. Thank You for keeping us safe from the enemy. Lord, I also thank You for sending the Holy Spirit last night and I was able to control my anger at Joel. I hope and pray that my disciplining Joel last night will work positively on him and he would not repeat this incident. I am sorry that I had to raise my voice and display what Joel will get should he do this again. Father, I pray that he would have a change in attitude towards disciplining from us and know this is for his own good. May You watch over him today at school that he behaves well and obeys instructions from teachers. Lastly, may You watch us today and keep us protected from the evil one’s works and temptation. I pray all these in Jesus Name. Amen. 

My reading - Psalm 15 Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord?

O Lord, who will be saved and enter Your kingdom to stand in Your presence? Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right; speaking the truth from sincere hearts. Those who refuse to slander others or harm their neighbors, or speak evil of their friends. Those who despise persistent sinners and honor the faithful followers of the Lord and keep their promises even when it hurts. Those who do not charge interest on the money they lend, and who refuse to accept bribes to testify against the innocent. These people will stand firm forever!

My reflection – Why does David clearly define ‘the treatment we give to our neighbor’ as a pre-requisite to enter God’s kingdom. Aside from clean and blameless living for ourselves, He speaks of our treatment to others like not slandering others, harming others or speaking evil of others as tantamount to our salvation. He also clearly points out that people who charge interest for money lent or accept bribes to testify against the innocent will not be in God’s presence. Jesus also proclaims this statement of ‘loving your neighbor as yourselves’ as one of the two greatest commandments of God. The other, of course, is ‘love God with all your heart, your soul and strength’.

These two commandments, I believe can not go without the other. To love God with your all also means to follow and obey Him. And, in our obedience to Him, we have to deal with others in the world. Jesus, in His ministry on earth, was asked by His disciples a question – who will inherit the Kingdom of God? And, Jesus responded by saying ‘I was hungry and you feed me; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you invited me to your house; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me; and I was in prison and you visited me’ and He added ‘whoever does these things to the least of my brothers and sisters will enter the Kingdom.’ In obeying God’s Word and following how Jesus lived, we have to love them just like we love ourselves hoping for that invitation to gain entrance to the Kingdom of God.

My prayer – Lord, may the two greatest commandments You have given be always in my heart. May I exercise them in my life especially wanting to know more of You and being with You always. May I always long for You and may I follow Your example of loving our neighbor wholeheartedly. I pray these in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

by Joey B

Joey's Journal August 16, 2006

Dear Father, I thank and give You praise for Your protection on my household. Lord, I offer to You my joys, works and sufferings of this day; may they be pleasing to You as I continue to walk with You. May Your grace always be with me to have humility, patience, kindness and forgiveness to the people I will be dealing with this day. Gracious God, may Your Holy Spirit watch over me and be my alarm bell when I swerve away from the righteous path. I also pray my loved ones, wife and children and relations and nannies to be under Your watchful eyes and protection. All in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

My reading - Psalm 14 Will those who do evil never learn?
The Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race; He looks to see if there is even one with real understanding, one who seeks for God. But no, all have turned away from God and all have become corrupt. No one does good, not even one! Terror will grip the evil doers for God is with those who obey him; the Lord will protect and restore his people and salvation would come from Mount Zion.

My reflections – This is a clear warning to those who do evil! For God knows everything that happens to us. And if we do evil, we should be gripped with fear because of God’s wrath. But, for those who obey Him, they will be protected and salvation will be with them. I believe the major word here is ‘obey’; and it is the most difficult instruction to follow in our Christian walk. A Christian can say the sinner’s prayer and profess his belief in Jesus who died for his sins and accept Him as Lord and Savior, but after that what happens to his life. Most often, this person thinks he has been promised the salvation and is unaware of his disobedience to God and His decrees. What happened when he accepted Jesus was more of giving God lip-service and then, resorting to his old self.

The righteous things we do after accepting Jesus is what counts. We are all sinful people and can easily ‘go back to our old self’. This is when we need Jesus’ strength to get us through these sinful phases in our lives when we are weak and can easily fall to Satan’s traps. His Holy Spirit will be our helper in advising us to avoid sinful thoughts, desires and actions. All Christians are not assured of salvation to God’s Kingdom. It is a requirement to acknowledge God and believe that He sent His Son to die and wipe away our sins, but our response and follow through to this belief is the one that will save us, and this is living a godly life and obeying God’s laws. 

My prayer – O Lord, I am grateful for Your Hand to be guiding and protecting me on the right path. May I stay dedicated to living a life that is godly and pleasing to You. Although in my trying times, I stumble and fall, may Your grace help me to get up and be reminded of Your forgiveness and love. Lord, keep me focusing on You and the salvation You offer. I pray in Jesus Name. Amen.

by Joey B
